Wednesday, November 27, 2019
buy custom Family Business Project essay
buy custom Family Business Project essay Eating too much fat especially in the Junky foods has been observed to be too dangerous to the health (Anthony, 1991). As a result, the food stores that are selling the Junky foods have to keep with the mindset of their clients who will keep on complaining about the amounts of fats in the burgers. It is for this reason that that the customers at the Mc Donalds store have an issue with the amount of fats in the burgers which they believe is for a little bit too high for them to consume. It has been stated that eating too much saturated fats the type that is solid at room temperature increases the risk of individuals suffering from the heart diseases. Eating as well too much of the trans fats which is found in the liquid vegetables oils especially when they are compressed into the solids lead also to the risk of the heart diseases(Dreeling, Allen and Butler, 1997, p.234). This fays come with the added responsibility of added cholesterol, this are majorly found in the fats that are deri ved from the animals products which as well includes the burgers and other animals products. When cholesterol is included, it is responsible for the clogging of the blood arteries. It is therefore very important to eat less fat in the diet and that will reduce the amount of fats that will be associated with the heart failures and the blocking of the blocking of the arteries. Instead of the high fat content in the foods from animal sources, this results will enable the MC Donalds company to be able to improvise ways in which the fat contents can be made even more richer and more nutritious to the people without any fear of health risks like heart diseases and colon cancer which has been associated with other fat intake. The major concern is that the Burges are derived from animals and the animal fats contain lots of saturated fats which are dangerous to the living organisms. Instead, other sources of fat can be used in the burgers which contain the mono unsaturated fats and the poly unsaturated fats which may be helpful in the diet because they help in the lowering of the body bad cholesterol levels which as well is also referred to as the LDL. In the process there will be chances that there will be a decrease in the risks of the heart disease. Other studies indicate that the mono unsaturated fats lower the LDL cholesterol. In the same manner, it is always increasing the HDL cholesterol which has been considered to be a good cholesterol level. The poly unsaturated fats on the other hand also lower the LDL and the HDL cholesterol and hence the monounsaturated fats are preferred first to the polyunsaturated fats. This will as well enable them to consider the type of fats to reduce and which type of fats to increase with overall effects of reducing the overall fat contents (Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). This is for this analysis is that all the foods contain the different amounts of fats saturated fats, the monounsaturated fats and the poly unsat urated fats. The guidelines for the dietary intake of 2005 prescribe that fats should be kept at a total fat of between 20 to 35% of the total calories in a meal. For instance, a total of 2000 calorie diet will need about 30% or about 600 calories which is equivalent to 67g that should the derived from the total fats per day. The saturated fats should be kept low as well at about 10% of the total calories which is equivalent of the 20g for a 2,000 calorie diet. The customers complains about the fat content in the burgers in a clear sign that the clients are keen on their fats exchange list and also a sign that they are likely to go for a better option in case they find the other with a low fat content than that for the Mc Donalds stores. It is very true that everyone needs fats and good fats for that matter. Excessive fats are very dangerous as it is associated with many health hazards (Anderson, Young and Borchers, 2008). Some good sources of fats that can be included in the diet include the Omega-3 fats which may be helpful in the prevention of the heart diseases, high blood pressure and other associated diseases that come as a result of the immune reaction leading to the inflammatory reactions in the body. Omega-3 fats can be extracted from the fish and also other sources can be considered as well whic h makes it even better for the company as well as they will be making it more nutritious. That is how they a will b able to keep the company in business and stop losing business due to due to competition from other businesses as well. Some good example of the poly-unsaturated fats includes the Omega-6 fats in addition to the Omega-3 fats, which in most cases are very essential in the health(Hodge,2005, p. 14). Their sources are variants which include some sea animals such as the salmon, herring and trout; which are types of fishes found in the sea and other large water bodies. Other plants as well possess the omega three fats which are good though they are less active and include the walnuts, the flaxseed and the canola oil. The department of health and human services recommends the following outline in the limit of fats consumption. Total Calorie Intake Limit on Saturated Fat Intake 1,600 18g or less 2,000 20g or less 2,200 24g or less 2,500 25g or less Source: (American Dietetic Association, 2006). This is an assertion that you are required to have 10% of the saturated fats from the total calories ingested. For instance, 20 g of the calories of the saturated fats equals the 100% daily value (%DV) for the saturated fats. The table above provides the best summary of the calorie need for people eating the saturated fats. The objective of low fat contents is to provide a scientific basis for better products that will meet the demands of the people. The emphasis of this research will enable the identification of the barriers that face the production of the high quality, low fat meat products. This is essential information as well for the manufacturers. It has also been studied that when oat is added to the beef burgers, it traps the flavors from the burgers and it delays their release. The reduction of the fats contents studied before indicated that there is a poor correlation between the textural measurements and the sensory tenderness of the burgers. The texture profiles analysis has a more promising result that includes the hardness and the springiness as the fat content was reduced. These can be made better when complexed with the other ingredients such as the proteins, starch and vitamins which can be added to make the foods more nutritious and paltable (Gei, 2008, p 231). This is important because the population has become more conscious about the consumption of fats and more especially the saturated fats. This will help in the lowering of the coronary heart diseases. The consumption of meat products is therefore under pressure to regulate the amount of the fats in the meat products by the production of the low fat versions (Allen and Dreeling et al, 1999). It is however very unfortunate that the meat naturally contain their organoleptic properties and hence their natural appeal and the reduction of the fat content greatly as well impacts on their flavor, texture, juiciness and the mouth feel which are properties that help in influencing the satiety of the burgers to an individual. Methods Sampling procedure The sample of the burgers were collected from the various the various store around the Mc Donalds store from the places where the complains had been launched. The percentage of fats in each of the burgers were analyzed and recorded. This data is very useful in the test of the hypothesis and also depending with the content value that the Mc Donalds will provide as will be very useful in helping with the determination that the customers complains are genuine. The results will be very helpful in advising the customers on the validity of Mc Donalds claims. But more importantly, the customers will be able to make a personalized decision of their health check list to avoid over consumption of the fats and as well make healthy decisions about their eating lifestyles. Ethical guidelines Measures are taken to ensure that the shops from which the Burgers were collected were anonymous. I had to select a person that had to personally buy the burgers from all the shops one from each shop and then all of them analyzed. This is because, I did not want to associate the surveys with particular shops and hence the demographic information was very limited and hence enable be to look at the broad characteristics indiscriminately. The demographics did not involve any form of response from the clients but only one response was required from the Mc Donalds store which coincides with the fats content that had been attached at the label for the burgers. The clients were as well responding to the questionnaires in order to get an open and honest view of their take of the Mc Donalds Burgers which could help the company in streamlining their products for good satisfaction of the clients needs. The additional ethical concern was about the informed consent. The clients were as well infor med of the goal of this response so that they would be honest to participate in this research and also understand why they will need to answer those question in the questionnaires. The clients as well were also selected on voluntary basis and no client was coerced to give us his or her view concerning the information that was required from them. Sample The questionnaires indicated that most people had an issue to do with the fats content of the burgers. This was about 57% which was a larger group. 13% had no problem completely with the amounts of fats in the burgers. 10% were not sure of what they could respond about their interest in fats and the other 10% felt that the fats were just in the right amount that would be anticipated in any other burger from any other company. The 57 % represented the largest group and this prompted as to collect the collect burgers at random and do the analysis to help and the advice of the clients and also to help Mc Donalds make a decision about their products they are making in order to satisfy their clients need. This indicated that most of the clients have a problem with the fat content in the burgers. This prompted me to collect the mean fat content and came up with a hypothesis of which I was to base on my research. Results The results are divided into sections, first was the data collected by the questions. In the first part of the results, we collected the demographics of the person, then the places they buy the burgers, the company that makes burgers they prefer and a reason if they had any for the same question and which as well was optional. their fat preferences in the choice of burgers, and finally their opinion of the fat content for those that preferred the burgers from the Mc Donalds stores which had five closed questions to be answered with a yes or no. This was the centre of the research as it was to assist estimate the people what had issues with the fats. The questions included the following: Place a tick on your right choice that represents your opinion I have a problem with the Mc Donalds %fat in the Burgers. I do not have a problem with the fats in the Mc Donalds, burgers It is just in the right amount I am not sure about the right amount of fat I need Question Number No of respondents 1 34 2 8 3 6 4 5 Total 60 Respondents This was the basis for the hypothetical question in this research. As such, a sample of 12 burgers was collected and analyzed and this was the data that was analyzed. The percentage of fat in each of the burger is as follows. 21 18 19 16 18 24 22 19 24 14 18 15 Mc Donalds claim that the mean fat content of their bugger is less than 20%, Demographics The demographic involved an age ggroup of 18 years and above. It also involved an equal number of the male and the female. We had thirty male and 30 female respondents which was a fifty percent score for all the genders indicating that there was no bias in the data collection for the analysis. The respondents were all the people who lived Procedure The following data was analyzed with the assumption that the data was normally distributed and they had a standard deviation of three (3). The hypotheses for his analysis were stated that the average %mean in the fat content is equal to 20% for the null hypothesis. The alternate hypothesis was stated that average mean for the % percentage fat content in the burgers was approximately more that 20% This hypothesis was tested on a one tailed test to determine the confidence of this hypothesis. Therefore: Denoting the fat content by X, then: X~ N (, 32) and it is required to test H0: = 20% H1: 20% (one-tailed) Significance level, =0.05 (say) Critical Region, z-1.645 Under H0, Mean X~N {20, 32/12} The test statistics will be Z= Calculating Z=x/n=228/12=19 Therefore Z=-1.15 Analysis Since this value does not lie in the critical region. There is no evidence, at least 5% level of significance, to support the Mc Donalds claim that the average % fat content in the burgers is less than 20. It is therefore the interest of this paper to reject the hypothesis that the average mean of the burgers is equal to 20. Instead, we then accept the alternative hypothesis that the average %fat content in the burgers is greater than 20g. These indicate that the Burgers that are prepared by the Mc Donalds stores are too much with the fats content. This was a breakthrough in the testing of this Null hypothesis. This is because at 5% confidence interval, a value of 19 was determined which is less and it is below the mean actual mean of the data. The data was as well also very well distributed and as it considered all aspects of the demographics. There was no bias in the data collection and that the hyponthesis was well stated and tested in the proper way. The Questionnaires as well was the best in this type of analysis as it helped as collect the honest opinions of the individualswas useful in this data interpretation. We can therefore conclusively state that most of the burgers from the Mc Donalds stores have higher fat contents. This is very useful information to both the consumers who are the clients and the company that is manufacturing the Burgers. It is also a useful information in that they will be able t redefine their ingredients that will be key to customers satisfaction which is an essential tool in competition among business. This has been the latest move by the companies in line with combating the health issues such as obesity and diabetes which are lifestyle diseases alongside the coronary heart diseases and the Arthrosclerosis that associated with the eating of the junky foods. In history, Mc Donalds store will be the first in the production of the burgers with low fat contents and on the other hand, it will be able to create for itself a name that will market it further. This will as well help them consider other animal beef and meat that contain low fat options. This is the best move by the industry as well to be able to counter the customers concern of the amount of cholesterol and the fats w hich are very dangerous to the health when consumed in large amounts. The oils and the fats as well used by the Store to prepare the Burgers as well will need to be changed to a good alternative that will contain more of the poly unsaturated fats and the mono unsaturated fats which are more nutritious than the saturated fatty acids which are dangerous and lethal to ones health. For instance, they should consider using the oils from the vegetables. The reason for this is that most vegetable oils contain less saturated fat and they have very little cholesterol in them making the best choice for health. This is going to be the best strategy in winning more clients because from the data, most of the clients do not like the fats and have a problem it. It is an indication that if given an opportunity, they will avoid the high fat burgers and opt for the low fat burgers. This can therefore be produced by the company to meet their needs and as well be retained in the company that buying from other suppliers of the burgers. Many fasts food as well have opted for low fat options such as serving salads bar that are complete with very low calories dressings. They also sell low fat yoghurt that is frozen as an addition to the ice cream. A previous analysis indicated that most burger eaters dont care about the nutritional requirements and this study just disputed that finding indicating that the people are becoming more nutritionally conscious. It therefore means that with a nutritionally sensitive populations, the will have to adopt a new mechanism of marketing in order to avoid a sluggish sales for their products. This new products will as well be better placed in convincing the customers that the Mc Donalds stores have their customers health issues I consideration. This will spur much enthusiasm in the general populations and that will be able to promote their business. The labeling as well will need to be updated to read a very low value. This technique may involve as well preparing other ingredients. This process will be able to restore the flavors with less fats and moistness. Conclusion The fat content in the Mc Donalds Burgers are high and hence it is raising some special concerns to the clients. To make it better for the people, Mc Donalds store will need to reduce the fat % fat content in the Burgers and satisfy the business clients. This will also be an indication of the companies concern of their clients health issues. This is a necessary step as it will make more business for the store and hence able to survive within the competitive business it is engaged on. Mc Donalds business store will not only be the first company to implement this but the first company to make burgers with a low fat content that is more flavored and well nourished. The data analysis was a success and hence the findings and the discussions above in this research paper. Buy custom Family Business Project essay
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Odysseus
The power of Odysseus: Achieved or Received? Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseusââ¬â¢ gained authority due to the aid and power of others, which resulted in three phases of understanding: self-determination, courage, and having a greater vision in life. In order to understand these three phases, one must be able to conquer predominance from those who are less useful than others. While being physically strong, he lacked mental strength without the guidance of the gods. Odysseus was a loner, but once meeting up with others he became popular. Once he makes these friends he learns more about the subjects of daily life. They are the ones who have more predominance than others because they know more people and are more intriguing. Odysseus needed and used the help of others to gain more knowledge throughout the story. Once Odysseus has served enough time in a place against his will, he would be determined to leave that place. Odysseusââ¬â¢ journey towards home was now going to have the chance to come to and end. For seven years, Calypso held him prisoner on the island of Ogygia where he wanted to leave to seek the completion of his journey. Calypso agrees to let him go but first offers Odysseus some advice and guidance saying, "Only I will not aid [you] on [your] way, for I have no ships fitted with oars, nor crews to bear [you] over the broad ocean ridges; but I will freely give [you] counsel and not hide how [you] may come unharmed to [your] own native land"(Bloom, 47). Calypso realizes the greatness of Odysseus and gives him some advice. Odysseus though will have to prove his greatness by making his own ship and understand how he will make it home. Even though Odysseus was physically strong, at other points his weaknesses were evident. When the Phaeacians returned Odysseus home, he couldnââ¬â¢t figure out where he was. For some reason, he decided to recount his jewels and gifts. While doing so the Phaeacians were turned to stone by Poseido... Free Essays on Odysseus Free Essays on Odysseus Odysseus An individualââ¬â¢s characteristics are the key to their behavior. Homerââ¬â¢s The Odyssey takes place about 700BC in the Mediterranean, near Greece. The epic tells of a man who left his home twenty years earlier to fight in the Trojan War. His mission now is to make his way home to Ithaca. Odysseus shows good and bad traits throughout the epic that influence his way home. The courage and wisdom of Odysseus help him survive through the whole epic. For example, Odysseus kills the Cyclops while the giant is asleep, even though the monster ate two men minutes before. Odysseus has courage to stand up for his beliefs and never lets the opinion of others keep him from doing what is right. Some think Odysseus shows his courage throughout the epic because he is proud and does not want to leave any job unfinished. Furthermore, Odysseus by plugs the sailorsââ¬â¢ ears with wax when going through the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to their doom. Odysseus often hesitates before acting, because he uses reason to evaluate the situation, which saves him and his men many times. Odysseus knows that there is no progress without the wisdom to back it up. Using courage and wisdom throughout life allows a person to see greatness in life. As great as he was, Odysseus still had some weaknesses, most importantly that of his pride and sensual ness, that prolongs his voyage back to Ithaca. This is clearly evident in the episode on the Cyclopesââ¬â¢ Island when Odysseus and his men are safely away from the island when Odysseus brags about his exploits making Polythemus hurl giant boulders almost sinking the ship. This incident hurt Odysseus more than just losing a few men, because Poseidon makes his travel home very long and arduous. This proud characteristic shows Odysseus has a lack of respect for others and that he is selfish. Furthermore, Odysseus stays with Circe for one year before his men remind him of home. This characteristic of sensual... Free Essays on Odysseus The power of Odysseus: Achieved or Received? Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseusââ¬â¢ gained authority due to the aid and power of others, which resulted in three phases of understanding: self-determination, courage, and having a greater vision in life. In order to understand these three phases, one must be able to conquer predominance from those who are less useful than others. While being physically strong, he lacked mental strength without the guidance of the gods. Odysseus was a loner, but once meeting up with others he became popular. Once he makes these friends he learns more about the subjects of daily life. They are the ones who have more predominance than others because they know more people and are more intriguing. Odysseus needed and used the help of others to gain more knowledge throughout the story. Once Odysseus has served enough time in a place against his will, he would be determined to leave that place. Odysseusââ¬â¢ journey towards home was now going to have the chance to come to and end. For seven years, Calypso held him prisoner on the island of Ogygia where he wanted to leave to seek the completion of his journey. Calypso agrees to let him go but first offers Odysseus some advice and guidance saying, "Only I will not aid [you] on [your] way, for I have no ships fitted with oars, nor crews to bear [you] over the broad ocean ridges; but I will freely give [you] counsel and not hide how [you] may come unharmed to [your] own native land"(Bloom, 47). Calypso realizes the greatness of Odysseus and gives him some advice. Odysseus though will have to prove his greatness by making his own ship and understand how he will make it home. Even though Odysseus was physically strong, at other points his weaknesses were evident. When the Phaeacians returned Odysseus home, he couldnââ¬â¢t figure out where he was. For some reason, he decided to recount his jewels and gifts. While doing so the Phaeacians were turned to stone by Poseido...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
1.Internet nutrition resources.2.entomophagy (insect eating) Essay
1.Internet nutrition resources.2.entomophagy (insect eating) - Essay Example Aside from the subjects stated above, the site also includes Emergency Preparedness and Management, Report an illness or file a product complaint and check restaurant inspection scores that will increases awareness of its audience and encourages its audience to give feedback on a particular product. But this site lacks online forums and has limited search filters for audience search bar: only for consumers, unlike the other sites which offers more options such as parents, children, senior, caregivers and teachers. The Ohio State University released a fact sheet entitled ââ¬Å"Insects as Human Food ââ¬â Microlivestocks,â⬠the promotion of edible insects, foodstuff and its nutritional value ( A study showed that insects like grasshoppers, ants, beetles, and mole crickets are rich in protein and low in cholesterol and fat. On the other hand, termites, caterpillars and weevils contain iron, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Mexican restaurants served fried grasshoppers, chocolate covered ants and tortillas with red and white agave worms. For Columbia, they ground ants as spread on breads, while in Africa some insects are eaten raw or baked. Other countries such as, Philippines and United States have it fried, broiled or sautà ©ed with vegetables. The following recipes were also famous in the United States: chocolate chirpie chip cookies made from dry-roasted crickets, bug blox made from dry-roasted leafhoppers, rootworm beetle dip made from dry-roasted rootworm beetles and banana worm bread made from dry-roasted armyworms. Insects contain essential amino acids, so it can be a source of protein for nutrition. But there are also insects that are toxic and may create allergies, thus, some Americans chose not to eat insects. In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration is very strict on its policy, e.g. limiting insects and their parts in food crops, thus, giving a notion that
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